Tuesday, August 23, 2011

School Is In! (and a Giveaway!)

School has started in my villages.  The library has grown a bit quieter in the day now and kicks into pandemonium somewhere near 1:30ish.  I'm pretty sure that in a few weeks I'll be bored silly with all the quiet, but it is a good break from the summer reading frenzy.

Although I'm enjoying this slight break though, as an outreach librarian, part of my job is to,...well,..reach out.  I love finding resources to support schools and parents and this year in particular, I'm seriously interested in finding more exciting ways to help people stay motivated about reading and learning. Which is why I was really excited to find this book in our collection today, and thought it was a perfect segue into a giveaway.

For those unfamiliar with the concept of lunchbox notes, the idea is to place encouraging or entertaining notes inside your child (or student's) lunch box.  They are usually a surprise treat during a particularly hard week, such as on an exam day, or they can also be given just because.  I don't know about you, but if I'd had a little pick-me-up like this when I was in trouble for probably talking back to a teacher, it would have made for a lot of pleasant afternoons. 

Grabbing this book would make for a great jump-start to the school year, and unlike my usual plea, I'm suggesting that you actually buy this one because it has tear-out notes. To get you started, I'm hosting my first small giveaway!

I'm giving away sets 1-4 of Lunchbox Love notes for kids.  That's about 48 cards total, and each pack also contains two blank ones for you to write your own notes.  They're called Lunchbox Love, but I'm sure they'd be great in athletic bags, ballet bags, or any other little place.  Check out their website for other types of notes, including some for co-workers and friends.
Here's how to enter:
Leave a comment on how you encourage your kids, students, or young patrons!
For a Bonus Entry: Like Miss Hootie Hoo on Facebook and leave me a comment there.


4 people wrote some stuff:

Tee F said...

My daughter is going into PreK and I am excited about the years ahead of us. I always hope that I am doing the right thing and giving her the right kind of encouragement even when I am dishing out the discipline. We make sure to comment on her really good behavior. And when her behavior is not so desirable we teach lessons without making her feel dejected. We know it's working when we hear her encourage her 18mo old brother. The other day she got down to his level and told him that he was a great help to her that day and thanked him. Lol.

KrishelleMH said...

Praise and encouragement is so important in our house, especially with my bonus sons. They don't get it much at their moms house. We always make sure we give praise when we notice they did a "good job". We are very specific with our praise, instead of just saying "good job" we will say "I like the way you made your bed this morning without being asked". Even when they do something incorrectly we make sure to praise the fact that they tried, and encourage them to try again. It definitely goes a long way.

N. Nicholes said...

I love this idea! I have a sixth grader. And as much as he tries to act like he doesn't enjoy the attention from his parents, he seems to do much better when we start the day out on a positive note rather than fussing at him. I think that I'm savvy enough to write a note that won't get him picked on, but will make him happy in the meantime.

Aisha G of HartlynKids said...

Praise Praise Praise. Encouraging the good behavior and discouraging the bad behavior is key. I encourage right now by dancing and saying things like "good job" and jumping up and down. By giving a sweet treat (fruit lol) for good work. She's two so that is working so far.

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