My rating: 4 of 5 stars
"A Book for the Wimpy Kid who has grown into a Wimpy Teen" is the phrase written on the back of this book and it is seriously appropriate.
Fourteen year-old freshman, Larkin Pace, is writing a blog for his English class assignment. Making up this book are the entries themselves which helped him win the class coveted prize; an 100% grade.
Larkin blogs about his desire to become a famous filmmaker, and all the grand schemes he's planned to get there. One of which involves a stint on The Price is Right where hopefully Steven Spielberg will see him and offer him a publishing deal. He also tells us all about his sister Kelly, whom he declares is a thug in her treatment of him, his most hated classmate Dalton, and his girl-friend but not girlfriend Brooke.
This book was pretty funny, and had an interesting point of view. While we've all read the story of that poor kid trying to grow into his coolness before, Larkin was a kid that seemed cool all along. He didn't need to become any cooler, he just needed a way to become all the things he wanted for himself. Kelly's rants throughout the book are hilarious. His accidental genius is that he knows a ton of movie trivia and it finds its way into the story. Movie people like Larkin will love reading the scenes where he quotes his favorite lines.
The book is good step up for the kid who has loves all the Wimpy Kid books and is growing out of them a bit.
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